Richard Koebner Minerva Center for German History

Richard Koebner Minerva Center for German History

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (established in 1977)

Prof. Ofer Ashkenazi


Prof. Sybille Steinbacher


Fields of Research

German History and German-Jewish history


Middle Ages; early modern history; 20th century; contemporary history; national socialism; German antisemitism

Research activities and aims

Economic history of the Middle Ages; future expectations of German Jews; Weimar Jewry; continuities and discontinuities in German antisemitism; aspects of history of mentalities and history of ideas as well as history of everday life and social history of Germany. Ongoing activities: scientific conferences, publications in Hebrew; teaching of German history on the highest academic levels (MA and Ph.D.-study program, post-doc-projects); development of a research library; cooperation with German historians.

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