Fellowships & Cooperation Grants

The Minerva Stiftung offers a wide range of fellowships and research grants for German-Israeli scientific cooperations

The Minerva Fellowship Programme (funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research) enables Israeli and German scientists to complete a research stay at institutions in the respective other country.  
The Minerva Fellowship Committe is the scientific board responsible for the selection of the Minerva Fellows (long term and short term) as well as for the Minerva Schools and the Gentner Symposia. Its members are German and Israeli professors and scientists from all fields and subjects.  
Since 1973, over 2,000 German and Israeli scientists have been able to spend several months in the other country. For 50 years, this has not only promoted German-Israeli cooperation in cutting-edge research, but also maintained the friendship between the two countries, an essential asset, especially against the backdrop of their shared tragic history.  
A Minerva Programme for short-term exchange between Germany and Israel funded jointly by the Federal Ministery for Education and Research and the Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology.  
The Minerva-Gentner Symposium is a format to bring together Israeli scientists with colleagues from Germany and other countries through conferences, workshops etc. The format is named after the physicist and former director of the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Wolfgang Gentner, who was a member of the first German scientific delegation to Israel in 1959 and later member of the board of the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot.  
Minerva Schools are intended to bring together young Israeli and German scientists in all areas of research. Minerva Schools establish new collaborative efforts through conferences and workshop.  

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