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Minerva Center on Intersectionality in Aging (MCIA)

Building bridges between multiply marginalized older adults and mainstream society

University of Haifa (established in 2019)


Aging; intersectionality; psychology; sociology; political science

Research activities and aims

The Minerva Center is developing interdisciplinary and comprehensive cutting-edge knowledge by

  • Examining intersectionality and multiple marginalization processes in old age;
  • Developing knowledge related to overcoming inequality and other social barriers;
  • By developing models of social, psychological and political intervention, ranging from education and social activism involving the participation of the marginalized groups themselves.

These themes are adressed along several dimensions:

  • The physical and mental health dimension, including the impact of health on quality of life in old age;
  • The socio-cultural dimension, including prejudice, stigma and societal attitudes;
  • The legal dimension, concerning the needs, legal rights and human rights of older people;
  • The individual-psychological dimension, relating to closure, the disclosing of secrets, self-value and value within the family, which enable respectful closure of the life course;
  • The lifelong effect of vulnerability and resilience.

Research work is done by developing interdisciplinary research topics from the life experiences of the above-mentioned populations, with a focus on intersectionality, suggesting two directions: The development of empirical and theoretical knowledge and practical implementation. Given the need to examine cross-cultural similarities and differences of the acquired knowledge, and given the relevance of the issues raised for other cultures, a cross-cultural comparative component is added by developing collaborations with German colleagues.

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