Heineman Project Grant

Rates and Conditions

The project grant for young scientists working in the field of biological and biomedical research is funded by the Minna-James-Heineman-Stiftung and administered by the Minerva Stiftung.

For each call two grants will be awarded – one to a scientist at the Weizmann Institute and one to a scientist at a Max Planck Institute. The annual amount of each grant is estimated at € 80,000. The maximum funding period for grants is three years. The grant can be used flexibly for collaborative projects between the Principal Investigator from a Max Planck Institute with partners at the Weizmann Institute and for the Principal Investigator from the Weizmann Institute with partners at Max Planck Institutes. The grant is used at the discretion of the Principal Investigators for the funding of postdocs, students, technical support, minor equipment, travel, and a bi-national summer school/symposia (see below) and other measures enhancing scientific excellence and direct cooperation.

Minna-James-Heineman-Summer School/Symposium

With the aim of enhancing cooperation and integrating young scientists into the programme, the Principal Investigators are required to hold a German-Israeli Summer School/Symposium at least once during the three-year funding period of the grant. The Summer School/Symposium will be run and financed jointly by the two Principal Investigators from the funding received for the two projects. Minna-James-Heineman Schools/Symposia are dedicated to serve the needs of young German and Israeli scientists and of selected researchers from other countries and to facilitate initial contacts and research exchanges. The venue for the School may be in either country.

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