Minerva Fellowship - Rates and Conditions

Minerva Fellowship - Rates and Conditions

Israeli Fellowship Holders in Germany

Monthly Fellowship Rate
PhD Students
€ 1.577,00
Post-Doc scientists
€ 2.600,00
Additional Funding
Monthly Payment
Payment in kind for books, travel to conferences, etc.
€ 156,00
Dependency allowance for spouse with income/ scholarship less than € 451.00
€ 400,00
Children’s allowance
€ 200,00 for each child
Family allowance
€ 200,00

Please note that only fellowship holder whose child(ren) and spouse accompany the fellowship holder for at least six successive months are eligible for the dependency allowance, the children’s allowance and the family allowance.

German Fellowship Holders in Israel

Monthly Fellowship Rate
PhD Students
€ 1.898,00
Post-Doc scientists
€ 3.058,00

Additional Funding
Monthly Payment
Payment in kind for books, travel to conferences, etc.
€ 135,00
Dependency allowance for spouse with income/ scholarship less than € 451,00
€ 400,00
Children’s allowance
€ 200,00 for each child
Family allowance
€ 200,00

Please note that only fellowship holder whose child(ren) and spouse accompany the fellowship holder for at least six successive months are eligible for the dependency allowance, the children’s allowance and the family allowance.


Minerva Fellowships can be awarded for a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 24 months. Under special circumstances, PhD-Fellows of the Minerva Stiftung can receive an extension of additional 12 months.

A Minerva Fellowship cannot be combined with another full scholarship of employment. Additional grants or salaries are to be counted towards the Fellowship in the full amount and it will be deducted fully from the Minerva Fellowship rate.

On submission of the original receipt(s) the Minerva Stiftung can reimburse the costs of one or more German or Hebrew language course(s) up to € 800,00 (for spouses the limit is € 300,00).

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